
Asteroids: Rescued from the brink!

Repairing a completely defunct 1979 Atari Asteroids arcade cabinet.

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August 2020, a pandemic is in full swing. I find a local Asteroids arcade cabinet that hasn't worked in _years_, and it sat in my basement for another year and a half before it finally hit the top of the priority pile. Here we'll go through what makes Asteroids different than most arcade games (hint: vector monitors), plus the process of testing, troubleshooting and fixing this legendary game.

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Nazwa wrote 06/22/2022 at 22:02 point

meybe make a 'temest' game with knob, big knob

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piles.of.spam wrote 06/23/2022 at 02:01 point

This is not a scratch build; rather, it's a rescue of a legendary game from 1979 with original parts.

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