
Exhaust Vent Upgrade

A project log for Automated Coffee Bean Roaster

Roasting coffee beans at the push of a button

ben-brooksBen Brooks 09/15/2022 at 16:140 Comments

While the weather where I live (central US) is currently pretty pleasant, it gets quite hot (and of even more import, quite cold) at times. Not really wanting to have to clear snow off of my table outside just to roast some coffee, combined with the fact that I'm not sure that the roaster could hit the proper temps having to heat COLD air, I decided a while ago that I wanted the option of roasting inside. While the extra heat isn't a problem in the winter (and the smell isn't particularly unpleasant), the chaff that comes off the beans makes a bit of a mess even when outside. A quick visit to a hardware store (and the salvaging of an extra soup can) as well as designing and printing up a simple slide to allow me to keep the window mostly closed and voila: I have a simple setup that allows me to roast inside but vent the exhaust air outside.

As an extra bonus, it was able to achieve my roast temp more quickly/accurately than before (there's normally been a little slowdown in the temp rise as it gets close to the roast temperature). My guess is it's the reduced airflow due to not sitting it on an open table (the air inlets are on the bottom of the roaster) and/or the restriction of the vent hose. Regardless of the exact cause, it gives me more precise control over the roast which is an unintended benefit!
