
Brief Pause in Logs

A project log for Source Code Analysis: PowerShellEditorServices

Source Code Breakdown of PowerShellEditorServices (at the time of v3.5.4)

nicholas-jacksonNicholas Jackson 10/29/2022 at 22:130 Comments

Haven't given this up. Just had to take some time off from logs, so that I could learn about Dependency Injection in C#.

This takes some time, because I need to specifically cover topics like IServiceCollection, and cover broad topics like inversion of control.

There isn't a whole lot of articles that demystify these topics very well. If I get asked, I might produce my own, but for now I don't feel like summing up the 30-some-odd pages I have had to read through to get a feel for the topic.

A Good Article to Start Working With:
