
Argument Trace: BundledModulesPath

A project log for Source Code Analysis: PowerShellEditorServices

Source Code Breakdown of PowerShellEditorServices (at the time of v3.5.4)

nicholas-jacksonNicholas Jackson 11/05/2022 at 08:140 Comments

Tracing BundledModulesPath parameter


- (on the Start-EditorServices cmdlet)

  This is an attempt at comprehensively tracing the BundledModulesPath parameter. In this log, all uses of the BundledModulesPath parameter will be documented. This will support my unofficial documentation on the Start-EditorServices cmdlet

Unofficial Documentation:


[syntax section] - (syntax/usage)

  < string, not null or empty >]



[line 44] - (cmdlet-script powershell param block)



[line 116] - (cmdlet-script C# cmdlet call)

Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1"
Start-EditorServices @PSBoundParameters



[line 11] - (module manifest - root module field)

# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
RootModule = if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    { 'bin/Core/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll' }
    { 'bin/Desktop/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll' }
- I believe this is a call to the Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting namespace - still uncertain about this.



[line 24] - (cmdlet definition)

/// <summary>
/// The Start-EditorServices command, the conventional entrypoint for PowerShell Editor Services.
/// </summary>
  VerbsLifecycle.Start, "EditorServices",
  DefaultParameterSetName = "NamedPipe"
public sealed class StartEditorServicesCommand : PSCmdlet
{ ... }
