
Elegant OTA updates for ESP8266 and ESP32

A project log for Solder Fume Extraction Station Deluxe - from scrap

Inhaling the solder fumes is terrible for the health. Maybe some old parts from my old PCs could supply some details for this project.

debinixDebinix 11/17/2022 at 19:170 Comments

## Project notes 2022-11-17 (Elegant OTA updates for ESP8266 and ESP32)

I reviewed the project's early phases and started drawing a proper POC breadboard-built fan controller schematic. I also verified that OTA updates work flawlessly for the potential microcontroller candidate. Regardless if it will be the ESP32 or the ESP8266.

There was not much work for me to adapt the code to fit the project. Thanks to the useful Arduino libraries ESPAsyncWebServer, AsyncElegantOTA, and a helpful server landing page by Ralph S Bacon

The OTA example files are in the Project GitHub extra folder.
