
Lets Grow an Ecosystem (?)

A project log for retroCART enclosure

Desktop 'drives' using retroCART with an Atari look.

luxotekluxotek 11/14/2022 at 03:300 Comments

Got tired of having a growing collection of carts getting scattered and tipped over and stuff and things.. my hands gowing numb and various levels of pain from day to day just make this untenable in the long run so.. lets make a holder I guess

hours of pouring over sites looking something already atari or close (cause lets not mix themes at this point right?) that had an openscad or something that I could figure out how to work and I did find a few and this one had the unfortunate chance to get mangled by my sub-pedestrian abilities. 

demolition88 made a great doohickey model and I hate that the only thing I could figure out to change the size on an .stl ruined the logo on the front - but it is what it is and meshmixer is discontinued for a reason I guess - but I wanted to just more than rescaling it in cura and to be able to share it. 

now I got me a stand. 


then I tried to pick it up with it fully loaded

WHY YOU NO MAKE BOTTOM?!!!@112 fuuuuuuuuu

ok. well.. after making a mess out of it a half dozen times in a handful of free whatevers out there for 3d goofiness and a day or two of rocking and crying in the fetal position I accidentally stumbled upon the edit stuff in prusa slic3r.. and holy what? you can save it out as an stl? ...........dude


just... dude.. game.. changer..

so now v2 and short of taking some kinda pic of it all printed and loaded up with carts all pretty like, i'm pretty happy with this little guy sitting on my desk

heres me cheating on actually having to clean my desk and taking fashion photo's of  my prints


Got the day to day stack all nice - would still like a vertical one - saw a couple of atari ones that I liked and even one that was modular so you could expand it with some pretty nice dove tail kinda things but with my level of skill i'm relatively sure they wouldn't work anymore after being resized to the retroCART spec. MAYBE SOMEONE GOOD AT COMPUTER CAN HELP DO A THING hint hint nudge nudge 

also have a cricut I stuffed into a closet so I was talking to someone about making a template for it to do like a wrap or label type thing you could cut out and stick on them which really seems like the long way to around just cause i don't own a paper printer or paper or stickers or artistic talent to make a neet sticker like in tom's examples (no mild jealousy here.. nope.. ) - really regret throwing away all my floppy sitckers and stuff a few years ago.. I get why people end up hoarders every time I need something I held onto for years and years and finally tossed.. but I digress.. again

i keep seeing more and more people using tom's carts for what they were intended for and honestly jealous of so many cool cyberdecks so i'm hoping we can get a little ecosystem going of retroCART holders and designs and cart uses cause it really does help with people accessibility problems too. like in the short time i've made these stilly drives it's made a big impact of how I use my computer and how I use them from day to day.. any one with chronic pain for years and years will tell you how even simple things take big decision making to decide on spoon usage and how easy it is to just not do simple somethings cause you fear the pain spikes.

this got too long.. sorry I guess

here's the link to the thingiverse thing of both versions I remixed (cause I almost forgot the point of this log)
