
Revision 4 is finally here

A project log for Mini SiPM Driver Board

Drive silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) and build yourself a simple scintillation counter quick and easy!

nuclearphoenixNuclearPhoenix 11/23/2023 at 11:580 Comments

I finally came around to finish the PCB layout for the latest (and probably last honestly) hardware revision of the Mini SiD. In short, this is a small-ish quality-of-life update with some nice changes that should make it easier to use, while still not changing a whole lot fundamentally.

This is what the new PCB looks like, I still need to get the OSHWA certification for this again, so the files are not completely final, altough everything's functional. The files and all the additional info can be best found on GitHub:

Changes in this revision:

I think these changes are a great way to expand upon the last version that already worked well enough to be usable. It also marks a great point to say this project is more or less completed. It's usable, it works great and IMO there is not much that can be changed anymore without some fundamental changes. So thanks to everyone for your support and posting your interest and suggestions. Feel free to continue doing so!

There will be one update when the OSHWA certifies the hardware again, so expect that in the next couple of days.
