
Nice visual step.

A project log for oiyshTerminal

Local server collection of IoT system with some additional futures. Works by default offline, based on .deb .npm .pipy

yoyoek1yOyOeK1 01/20/2023 at 04:260 Comments

This is a site details page. It's a part of a OTDM in yss. For now it's like so. My skills in ui is killing me :P Plan now is to solve rest of plans. 

For now it's in yss thats good. 

All sites now heve it's small description .json to serv some data about them selfs. It will cam from autor or from branched site.

I can see list of sites find over it.

With hosting on Node-red I was able to make external directory location. It can be theoretic on different host and still be served on site :)..

There is some hard core X action in flow of host / handlers going on :P

Node-red on one site is great. Clik clik clik cik And you have http server with something. But reading list of files in directory is hard :)

New README about OTDM in yss on github:
