
Project log 1 (7.1.2023)

A project log for MaslOS

A custom os made from almost scratch.

marcelMarcel 01/07/2023 at 16:560 Comments

I have made a profile on hackaday and decided to make a project for MaslOS.


Stuff I recently finished:

Making a simple console task manager.

Making a base GUI Framework. You can see it when starting the OS.

There is a Test GUI Window with a moving face, a button you can click and a Black rectangle which is actually a textfield if you click into it.

Stuff I'm currently working on / planning to do:

Adding Support for creating/deleting GUI Components.

Edit MAAL completely so that its like a JAVA or DLL file.

Add Bindings to the GUI Framework so you can make GUI Apps in MAAL.

Maybe updating MAAL so that it has functions.

Stuff which is far away on my Todo:

Making GUI Apps in the os.

Either directly or using MAAL.

Some Examples:

 - Notepad

 - Paint

 - A GUI Taskmanager

 - Etc.
