
A year later...

A project log for HP Woodstock LiPo Battery Pack

Featuring USB-C!

cyulCYUL 01/17/2024 at 02:540 Comments

So, I learned another, not so funny lesson. Someone liked one of my designs so much that he went out, set up shop and started to sell them without even giving credit...

So, from now on, I am changing the license for all my designs to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. You can build one for yourself, or your best friend, or your mum, but you cannot sell it as a product. If you change something, think it's genius, and absolutely want to share what you have done, you have to credit me and it has to be shared under the same license.

What a world...

The 3D models for the case now live on MakerWorld.
