

A project log for ISA bus slave NS32016 processor board

By Dave Rand and George Scolaro, 1985.

keithKeith 02/03/2024 at 21:190 Comments

The design includes the source code, but no binary image. We need a 32000 assembler for that. Which I thought would take some finding because the 32000 family never took off commercially. Thankfully, I was wrong!

I tried using this to assemble the PD32 firmware - without success. It seemed to want carriage returns with linefeed, and not have colons before equates. Conditional assembly didn't work. I think the syntax is significantly different, and I don't have a manual to tell me what it is. If it can't do conditional assembly it may not be up to modern standards.

Hex numbers are not the usual $FF, or C style 0xFF, but x'FF which is very strange. So the h'FF needs changing to x'FF.

I don't have time to investigate this at the moment.

It isn't hard to split the firmware into odd and even bytes when required.

Later, we will need a C compiler. Also hard to find. Here seems a good place to start:
