
A Successful Test!

A project log for Sentinel Reforged

A journey to create an easy-to-use lightsaber that you don't have to fear breaking.

minifig404minifig404 06/14/2023 at 00:550 Comments

Last week, I was able to test my hilt in a combat/dueling setting. It performed exactly as I expected, with no visible damage. I'll put visuals in the Read More, but first I want to talk about some quick notes about current state:

Lastly, thank you to the friends who've gotten me this far. I couldn't do this on my own, so thank you for your help, however minor you think it is.

Video & photos below, more info in future updates. Stay tuned!

The chassis has only changed in component placement/dimensions, so here's the assembly video from last update:

Here's some photos of the current state:

Yes, the "solution" for the button is stupid. It'll do until I get the electronics replaced.
