
Research oopsie

A project log for Skeletyl Keyboard Build

Building a split ergonomic keyboard from a kit.

peter-lyonsPeter Lyons 04/11/2023 at 23:580 Comments

Well I was all ready to plug my choc silver switches into this thing when I realized they don't fit. I double checked the bastardkb site and sure enough, it's MX format only. I tricked myself because I built a tbkmini which is basically the same as a skeletyl plus one extra column, but since it's handwired I was able to use kailh choc switches.

So, I debated what to do but ultimately decided to order some akko silver silent speed switches and ball bearings so I can mod them for lower travel and solid bottom out. We'll see how it goes. Gear should arrive Friday so hopefully I can do another build session this weekend.

I was not expecting to go back to MX switches after being on team choc for so long, but maybe with the ball bearing mod the travel will be even less than a choc switch.
