

A project log for Mood Gradient

A slider that you can move to express your current emotion.

corbincorbin 04/17/2023 at 18:360 Comments

After designing our main control box through the website "," we assembled it through the laser-cutter computer, positioning each cut-out to make the most efficient cuts. We made sure to allow a bit of room between each piece, just in case the laser cutter cut too close in one direction. In the laser-cutter, we used cardboard initially, to have a physical object to look at. With this, we wish to position the servo-rack and pinion in correct positions with enough space to move the servo back and forth. The box's "teeth" or "connecting pieces" were a bit hard to put together, but we hope that the future box made of wood will be easier to fit together, as it is more sturdy and will slide together more easily. We also were able to laser cut the smaller control box out of cardboard, though again the "teeth" connection was difficult. We are thinking about the gradient design, and wish to 3D model it. We will email our client and understand which emotions (range of emotions) she desires, and transfer it to a gradient design. 
