
RP2040 USB Stick for GPIO, oscilloscope, logging

Direct insertion to USB-A port for GPIO on PC, oscilloscope, data logging, custom interfaces, mouse jiggler, etc. 4xADC+6xGPIO

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PickAndPlace_USB Stick PCB v1_2023-04-12.csv

PCB Assembly Pick and Place

Comma-Separated Values - 5.43 kB - 04/12/2023 at 20:42


BOM_USB Stick PCB v1_2023-04-12.csv

PCB Assembly Bill of Materials

Comma-Separated Values - 2.75 kB - 04/12/2023 at 20:42


RP 2040 USB Stick

PCB Assembly Gerber File -- note: blank silkscreen

x-zip-compressed - 21.47 kB - 04/12/2023 at 20:42


  • Prototypes ordered, software development pending

    TEC.IST04/12/2023 at 21:04 0 comments

    PCB prototypes ordered.  Will start software development after those are in hand.  Circuits are optimized for minimal footprint and cost, not ideal signal handling or impedance, so some tweaking might be needed to get the RP2040 starting up reliably.  Some users report needing PICO_XOSC_STARTUP_DELAY_MULTIPLIER = 64 on custom boards.

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  • 1
    Upload Gerber, Pick and Place, and Bill of Materials files to your PCB assembler of choice
  • 2
    Add shim to part of PCB that inserts into USB-A port

    Only default PCB thickness (e.g. 1.6 mm at JLCPCB) is likely to be cost effective, so the part of the board inserted into the USB-A port will need a shim to fit securely; the material used should be nonconductive

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aaaaaa wrote 04/15/2023 at 17:35 point

can You put fuzix on this? meybe rom or similar data?

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