
AWESOME !!! ANN on arduino works :-)

A project log for NeuralDuino - dynamic and user reconfigurable

I'm creating a neural networks library for the arduino (easily portable to any other platform) that is user-reconfigurable to the core

pranav-gulatiPranav Gulati 01/19/2017 at 19:320 Comments

The beauty of a library is when changing the architecture of a neural network is easy enough to be implemented in the arduino sketch itself.
so with the suggestions by t3db0t on issue ( i implemented the architecture of the neural network shown in the link in the issue and VOILA!!! the XOR converged beautifully
the best part about it was that i had to make no changes in the library whatsoever which actually strengthens and validates the need of such a reconfigurable library for neural networks on the arduino

thanks to t3db0t :-)
