Holo is a very cool holographic transparent wifi clock. We have developed different themed firmware for him, meanwhile it can synchronize time from internet by himself.

Another interesting point is that the Holo can play some really nice 3D videos. We can manage Holo playback files through wifi tools. Here is the wiki link: http://wiki.fiber-punk.com/en/holo/holo-table-contents

You could get all the theme firmware from here:https://github.com/fiberpunk1/HoloClock

And the Holo firmware source code is here: https://github.com/fiberpunk1/Holo

Holo's hardware supports a total of 2 types of firmware, one supports reading video files and picture files from the SD card to display customized content.
Another firmware supports wifi clock, after networking, it will automatically get the time from the network.

You could get more detail doc form here:https://fiber-punk.com/pages/support

Video Manager Tool:

The item link is here: https://fiber-punk.com/products/fiberpunk-hologram-butterfly-desksetup-kit