
BioAmp EXG Pill (2021)

A project log for Tale of BioAmp

How it all started and how it's going now...

deepak-khatriDeepak Khatri 04/25/2023 at 11:070 Comments

Dikshant & Bhawna joined Upside Down Labs in early 2021 and the BioAmp EXG Pill design matured to its final form factor during that same time period.

The PCBs for BioAmp EXG Pill v0.7 were sponsored by Oshpark again (Thanks to Drew Fustini) which were only 2.5cm x 1.0cm.

We improved a lot as the latest version of BioAmp EXG Pill is 57% smaller in size in comparison to the very first version and has much better signal acquisition capabilities than all the versions before that. The size could have been much smaller but it was a perfect size for students and researchers to use in their HCI/BCI projects and experiments.

After some time, we decided to work on the next version and launch it as a crowdfunding campaign on CrowdSupply. This time PCBway came to the rescue and they helped us by sponsoring the PCBs for the campaign.

The campaign’s success and BioAmp EXG Pill being announced as the ten winners of the Hackaday Prize supportive Tech Challenge motivated us to start working on more and more open-source hardware. 

Till now we have raised around $17,000+ and shipped the kit to 30+ countries around the world.
