
Muscle BioAmp Sensors (2022)

A project log for Tale of BioAmp

How it all started and how it's going now...

deepak-khatriDeepak Khatri 04/25/2023 at 11:080 Comments

In 2022, we focused mainly on designing EMG sensor technology. In the process, we designed the world's most affordable EMG sensor - Muscle BioAmp BisCute

For tinkerers, who wanted an SMD version of Muscle BioAmp BisCute, we designed Muscle BioAmp Candy, a candy-size EMG sensor for precise EMG sensing.

Muscle BioAmp Shield v0.3 is an all-in-one Arduino Uno Shield for EMG (Electromyography). It is perfect for beginners as they can easily stack it on top of Arduino Uno to record, visualize and listen to the muscle signals to make amazing Human-Computer Interface (HCI) projects. It also comes with various plug-and-play options so you can connect hundreds of devices like OLED screens, character displays, accelerometers, and servo controllers to name just a few using the I2C interface.

Muscle BioAmp Patchy is a small wearable muscle sensor for precise EMG sensing. The sensor can be snapped directly to the electrodes, eliminating electrode cables.

All these sensors or as we call them DIY Neuroscience Kits are being sold worldwide at multiple websites right now.

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