
[A] I'm going to fight for 4 materials

A project log for SecSavr Soapavr [gd0146]

A 3D printer that creates multi-layer PCBs with silkscreen, populating it with components.

kelvinakelvinA 06/15/2023 at 21:110 Comments

Basically, if there's anything I could really use in the future, it's an on-demand PCBA service. Additionally, the allure for AME (Additive Manufacturing Electronics) has been much stronger for me than other features I've discussed in the #SecSavr Suspense [gd0105] project. 

Embedded components, motors, mmRelayArrays, programmable matter elements, etc. These are all things I'm interested in, but 2 materials is rather limited. 4 materials changes the game for these applications (such as being able to print iron cores to copper coils), as well as allows for black+white+alpha prints with (dissolvable) support material.

Now this sounds like feature creep, but honestly, I should just take off the cloak Fred-from-Scooby-Doo style:

Yes, this does mean that the Pick 'n' Placers are going to make an appearance in here too.

For an 3D printer the size of the SecSavr Sopavr, the limited Z height would also be much less of an issue for PCB fabrication.
