
Initial projects pushed to github

A project log for weeBell - personal central office for POTS phones

weeBell brings the goodness of old telephones into the modern age in a portable package that speaks GUI, Bluetooth and Wifi

dan-julioDan Julio 06/27/2023 at 21:340 Comments

My vision is that the weeBell system can have several different applications, each with different firmware.  So to this end I am creating repos for each of the applications and another for hardware documentation.

  1. Hardware documentation can be found at weeBell_hardware
  2. The bluetooth application for weeBell can be found at weeBell_bluetooth

All code is GPLv3. 

I've also built up about 10 gCore POTS shield boards and as soon as I test them I'll add them for sale on my tindie storefront.

Still trying to coordinate with my friend who has a huge telephone collection to test with.   I suspect there are still some issues with audio processing.
