
Individuals That Use Wheel Chairs We Need Your Thoughts and Opinions !

A project log for Accessibilità

Accessibilità aims to do what Arduino did for Microcontrollers for accessibility electronics and interfaces for Wheel chairs and similar

avrAVR 05/16/2023 at 15:331 Comment

Title says it all !! I myself am an able bodied person so I don't have the personal experience of living with a wheel chair or relying on accessibility technology. Which is why I want to hear from those who do and what they have to say, this project is open source and its meant to help as many people as possible so its important to get their voices heard and ideas integrated into the designs.


alickabrook1 wrote 05/18/2023 at 12:05 point

A wheelchair is a chair with wheels to help people move around. It is used by individuals who have impairments that limit their ability to walk.


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