
Laryngectomy Patients Shower Aid

A modification to the Atos Vega Plug. Allows showering without the possibility of water entering the stoma.

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We all know that we cannot allow water or any other fluids to enter down the air way. It becomes very difficult to shower with a leaking voice prosthesis if not avoided all together until seeing the doctor. I modified a used Vega plug ($77 from Atos) so I could wear the plug inside the shower shield without allowing water to seep in while showering. It is pretty easy to do. Just cut the wide head off where it just protrudes beyond the adhesive plate about 1.75” from plug end.
Then thread a needle with about 6 - 8 inches of strong sewing thread. Puncture the cut end with the needle and pull thread through to its knot. Move over about 1/4 inch and puncture again and pull the thread through. Cut the thread to a length of about 6 inches, which will wrap around shower shield after it’s in place.
When removing the plug after your shower, pull by grabbing the rubber not the thread. Take a look at the diagram. And have a nice shower!

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