

A project log for Raspberry Pi Garage Door interface

Control and monitor a garage door opener with HomeBridge

nick-sayerNick Sayer 10/24/2023 at 23:500 Comments

Until now I had been using the MyQ homebridge plugin with a MyQ gateway to control our relatively old (but still working just fine) Liftmaster opener. But now that Chamberlain is being assholes about MyQ API access it looks like the future for that is not looking great.

Chamberlain/Liftmaster openers fit into two broad categories: Older openers will respond to a dry contact relay closure to operate the door. Ours is one of those, and that means that this board will work just fine. Alas, newer openers won't respond to a relay closure anymore. Instead, there is a proprietary rolling-code serial protocol on the wire from the wall button. For those, the prospect of third-party control is much grimmer. There is this little project... and the good news is that unlike the Internet MyQ API they can't try to update the wire protocol to thwart hackers.
