
Picking template code: linker scripts

A project log for Bringing up a new Betaflight target: STM32H725/735

Betaflight doesn't support the H725 yet, but we have hardware with that chip. Let's try to create a new target, and take notes on the way.

christophChristoph 06/05/2023 at 07:050 Comments

Adding a new target to BF shouldn't be too hard if the new target is similar to an already existing target - right? Let's see what we have

Let's take a closer look at the H743.

Memory areas

BF's H743 target uses a slightly customized layout that reserves flash for the reset handler and an emulated eeprom. Both BF and CubeIDE define areas in ITCM and DTCM for critical functions and data. Here's a table that compares BF's H743 memory areas with CubeIDE's H725/H735 standard:

BF H743CubeIDE H725/H735                             
FLASH (reset handler)FLASH
FLASH1 (application and constants)
MEMORY_B1 (*)RAM_D3 (**)

*) external memory, can only be used if there's actually some external memory connected to the MCU

**) not used by BF so we can hopefully remove that. Or not, since simply having a memory area in a linker script doesn't hurt.

The BF linker script also defines two aliases:


The memory area names are a bit different between BF and CubeIDE but that's not a problem because these are only used within the linker script. A little understanding surely doesn't hurt so let's also have a look at the system architecture diagram for the H725. I've already marked the memories used:

The two DMA blocks in D2 domain (DMA1 and DMA2) allow for fast transfers between memory and peripherals within that domain, and we see something similar for BDMA (basic DMA) in D3 domain. The MDMA controller also has access to blocks in D2 domain, but that's somewhat convoluted. So we do see why it make sense to deliberately place certain I/O buffers in D2 memory ("D2_RAM" or "RAM_D2" in the table above).

Now we'd like to bring BF's memory areas over to the CubeIDE project. Turns out we can pretty much copy and paste them, as long as everything remains consistent within the linker script. A quick test reveals that the dev board still runs blinky after doing that. Great!

Memory Sections

The linker script further defines a number of memory sections. For plain old C we typically see

But there's a lot more, because we need to place certain instructions in certain locations: reset handler and other ISRs need to be placed correctly in flash, and there has to be a section in ITCM that we can used to properly place functions that are supposed to be executed faster than others. Similarly, certain variables go into DTCM and I/O buffers into SRAM in D2 domain. And thus we end up with something like this:

BF H743CubeIDE H735
.isr_vector >FLASH.isr_vector >FLASH
.text >FLASH1.text >FLASH
.rodata >FLASH
.tcm_code >ITCM_RAM AT >FLASH1
.ARM.extab >FLASH1.ARM.extab >FLASH
.pg_registry >FLASH1
.pg_resetdata >FLASH1
.preinit_array >FLASH
.init_array >FLASH
.fini_array >FLASH
.data >RAM AT > >RAM_D1 AT >FLASH
.bss >RAM.bss > RAM_D1
.sram2 >RAM
.fastram_data >FASTRAM AT >FLASH1
.fastram_bss >FASTRAM
.dmaram_data >RAM AT >FLASH1
.dmaram_bss >RAM
.persistent_data >RAM
._user_heap_stack >STACKRAM = 0xa5._user_heap_stack >RAM_D1
.memory_b1_text >MEMORY_B1

Let's take a look at the similarities first: All "basic" sections have identical names (.isr_vector, .text, .data, ._user_heap_stack) and end up in similar memories. The purpose of some of the additional sections defined In BF's linker script isn't too obvious to me, but let's try:

On the other side we have some extras in CubeIDE's linker script:

Transferring all of BF's memory sections to my CubeIDE blinky project and removing the C++ constructor/destructor sections from it didn't break anything. It still blinks!

Next I'll try to alter the CubeIDE project's startup code to do more of what BF is doing. After that, and if it's still not broken then, it might make sense to transfer things back to betaflight.
