
Cold Plasma Era

A project log for Integrated Circuit decapping without acid

IC are amazing, but always closed in eopch which seems impossible to remove. Here we propose a method to decap without acids

100dollarhacker100dollarhacker 09/15/2023 at 18:550 Comments

Both in article about microwave induced plasma etching  and Tesla coil device I bought (with which I successfully  etched few micro-controllers) it got few cm of plasma flame. I though it necessary to use powerful  plasma generator. While I was working on my previous project of  Tesla coil trying to increase the power I was shocked to find that all this power is unnecessary. 

One of main problems with powerful Telsa coil flames was, that it instantly burned the IC's encapsulation and made a real fire. So I had to stop the process stop the fire cool the IC, and after a few seconds it would happen again. Low power Tesla coil on the other hand, didn't burned the IC's encapsulation it gently etched it, leaving clear white mark. It solved one of my big problems about this project of how to keep it safe from burning.
