
BME680 sensor and piezo buzzer now working!

A project log for Time Machine Mk. 8

An attempt at a DIY watch focused on low-power, high performance operation

eric-minEric Min 06/27/2023 at 02:440 Comments

I got the BME680 environmental sensor working as well. It was relatively painless, I used Bosch's BME68X Arduino library. The Library supports SERCOM Wire objects, so it made life a lot easier.

I also got the buzzer to work. It's not as loud as I want but it's not quiet either. Weirdly enough it gets pretty hot with just a little use so I'll be using it for very short sound effects, like button presses or warning beeps.

Now, Time Machine Mk. 8 can monitor acceleration, orientation, temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude, and gas measurement. I don't think I'll be using the last one often, if at all, but the other ones should give me a healthy amount of telemetry to play with!

I'm slowly but steadily working my way through getting everything working on TM8. Since I now have all major sensors and I/O working, I now need to focus on rewriting code for the chronograph and tachymeter, as well as trying to get the SPI Flash chip working.
