
Kebf5 480v vfd giveaway to the best original idea

I’m giving away a basically new drive to anyone who can show me something out of the box and presents the knowledge to see it through

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Ok so I am an elevator mechanic and deal with industrial size motors and machines on a daily basis… boring! I want to see something original and outside of the box be done with something that most tinkerers don’t have access to or the budget to buy one just to take it apart. So, spoiler alert, this drive has all the whistles and bells and proprietary software so n you can’t just hook up 220 single phase to one leg and get any results without gutting the control board, all you will get is an alarm. You can, if hooked up to 480 3 phase, 600 plus volts out of the dc bus if you wanted to say make graphene on a largish scale. To me though it seems like kinda of a waste since the real magic comes from the IGBT transistors and pulse width modulation. Anyways it’s basically new so please refrain from comments regarding “ I’d like to take it apart and see how it works”. I will try and post as much pictures and I have links to literature if neede

Ken f5.pdf

Technical manual

Adobe Portable Document Format - 16.01 MB - 06/18/2023 at 15:16


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