
telling time!

A project log for project Acidfish

beautiful watertight watch with always on bubble display, LoRaWAN and USB made to last a lifetime

erisEris 02/09/2024 at 03:330 Comments

finally got the RTC running!

made a simple breakout board to confirm i didn't fundamentally fuck up the init sequence, then replaced the rtc on the board and added a bodge wire with a resistor between the backup supply pin and the rtc voltage as described in the datasheet bc i'm stupid and i forgot to do that before.

now working on the firmware.

it's still very early stages, u can't even set the time on the watch yet and it turns out one of the buttons also isn't working so i have to fix that, but it can tell the time now!

also got it running at 2MHz which should hopefully reduce battery drain somewhat, will be testing that. either way i should be getting at least a bit over a day of usage right now.

next steps are to add an interface with states for setting the time and such, fix the button and add the piezo and additional features like alarms. should also hopefully get a usb serial console for setting the same things as in the interface but for if u have a pc and prefer to use a keyboard soon.
