
Motherboard v0.6 & CPU Card recieved

A project log for Intel 80286 HomeBrew Computer

A HomeBrew Intel 80286 computer with ISA ports

dominic-emond-belangerDominic Emond-Belanger 11/07/2023 at 23:580 Comments
Thanks for PCBWay for sponsoring the new PCBs production!

Just a quick post about the new boards revision that I recieved today from PCBWay. The process was very fast, placing order up to receiving the produced boards only took 5 buisness days total!

The boards were realy well packaged

After removing the board from their packaging, I’m realy happy about the finish and quality of the product.

The next step will be to start populating the sockets and test if the processor card is working correctly then I will be able to move to the motherboard.
