
Let's Test our Tactile Switch Hex Keypad

A project log for Hexadecimal 4×4 Matrix Keypad

A Hexadecimal KeyPad design journey. Ideal for early Retro Computing and 8-bit Microprocessor based projects.

digicool-thingsDigicool Things 09/12/2023 at 22:140 Comments

Following on from Part 1 of the Tactile Switch version of my Hex Keypad project, where I assembled my first Keypad, for Part 2 it’s now time for some testing!

For testing, I use Arduino to implement a USB Keypad. 

Although the intended use of the Hex Keypad is for Retro Computing projects, Arduino allows a quick, easy and visible testing method for the 4×4 Matrix Keypad’s operation.

So, please join me on this Part 2 of my Hexadecimal Keypad journey, where I first demonstrate my original 70’s Hex Keypad operation with a simple Arduino sketch, and then use the same sketch to test my new Tactile Switch version Hexadecimal Keypad.
