

A cyberdeck combining the freedom of a Pi with the power of M1

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DUET is a cyberdeck with two heads: An M1 iPad Air and a Raspberry Pi 4. The iPad acts as both a computing device of its own and a terminal to access the Pi. In turn, the Pi provides access to a fully realized Linux system, as well as a way to interface with meatspace through the GPIO ports.

When I set out to make a cyberdeck, my goal wasn’t just a prop—I wanted something I could conceivably use as a daily driver. At the same time, I had the idea to build a “dock”-style cyberdeck around a phone or a tablet; why start carrying a secondary device when I already carry a way more powerful computer around all the time anyway? The problem with the former was that most SBCs weren’t fast enough to be usable as a daily driver, while the latter was hindered by those devices being locked down too tightly to do anything useful. It seemed like I’d have to make a choice between power and freedom.

DUET allows me to have both. I use the iPad as the primary computing device, for web browsing and schoolwork. When I need something that iPadOS doesn’t allow, I can remote into the Pi and run it on that. Communication between the two happens via a USB-C cable, with the Pi presenting itself as a USB gadget with a network interface that the iPad can SSH through. That core concept for DUET came when I saw someone using a Raspberry Pi as a VS Code server to do software development on an iPad. That gave me the knowledge that such communication was possible, and I set out to see how far that concept could go?
One could ask why I didn’t use say, a LattePanda or a Framework motherboard to provide the power I need. The answer is very simple: “Science isn’t about ‘why’—it’s about ‘Why Not?’” I liked the idea of a docking station cyberdeck, and I wanted to expand on that idea. Also, I didn’t have any of those, and being a broke college student I thought I’d see what I could put together primarily from components I already had.

  • Minimum Prototype Complete

    Ainsel08/28/2023 at 19:34 0 comments

    The absolute bare minimum for DUET to function is complete; technically, the hardware could be feature complete like this, with everything else being for the sake of pizzazz. I’m debating basing DUET around the Magic Keyboard, and making the Pi and add-ons more like a backpack that straps onto it, primarily for the sake of being able to use the keyboard on the iPad directly from boot; but I’ll probably use a real keyboard and enclosure, again—for flair.

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