
Entry #1: introduction to the project

A project log for Raspberry Pi Zero rocket camera

A budget action camera made with a Raspberry Pi and a Rockit flight computer to shoot 1080p video from a water rocket.

danielDaniel 09/07/2023 at 07:480 Comments

I have been building water rockets since 2008 and after a long break (13 years) I have decided to continue building rockets. Something that I have always wanted to do is to put a camera in my rockets. Videos taken from water rockets are very cool, you can say, look at those dots! That is us!

Checking the available cameras has left me unsatisfied. Action cameras are heavy and expensive and they feature a rigid design. This blog describes a camera that can be easily integrated into a rocket payload, inexpensive, shooting 1080p video at 30 fps, and that can be triggered upon launch. The integration with a Rockit flight computer means that one can measure altitude, acceleration, trigger video recording upon launch, and deploy a parachute using the same electronics payload. Neat!

This is my first Hackaday project. The main reasons why I have decided to give Hackaday a try is:

The idea is to use Hackaday as a project log for regular updates and YouTube for video tutorials and launch videos.

Enjoy the ride!
