
Ported to Visual 6502

A project log for Toledo Atomchess for Atari VCS/2600

A chess game for Atari VCS/2600 with AI self-contained in 1K

oscar-toledoOscar Toledo 01/16/2017 at 22:561 Comment

I've ported Atomchess 6502 to Visual6502, just follow this big URL and play with it in your browser :) (running at 123hz or 15 minutes per move, even slower if you enable the graphic view).

Atomchess 6502 running with Visual6502

Press play but before push the button "Trace less" to be faster.

Also the source code now includes the assembly option.

Once the chessboard appears, enter your move as D2D4 (no enter, no spaces)


Ed S wrote 01/24/2017 at 12:31 point

An excellent idea!

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