
My One Axis Optical Mouse Please (SOLUTION FOUND)

Remove The Y-Axis Mouse data from USB optical Mouse for Second Life in game, Game. (AND SO MUCH MORE WITH THIS SOLUTION)

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I play a game in Second Life and it uses the mouse but it only need the X-Axis motion not the Y-Axis. It makes the game much harder with both, so I thought simple, I will disable this and job done.

I tried Auto Hotkey, script and X-Mouse APP great in Windows and most apps, Second Life must bypass the normal drivers.
I took an old Ball Mouse I put a bit of gaffer type tape over the sensor, WORKED, fantastic.
Roller ball mice, too many issues.
I really need to use a modern optical mouse.
Plug mouse to RP2040 then 2nd RP2040? into PC as HID mouse or something like that.
Software to take the data modify Y-Axis data and send it on.
The PC/Second Life will have no clue, it will see just a mouse with no movement on Y-Axis.

I am looking for pointers, suggestions for HW.
I need to discover how to disassemble the USB mouse data and reassemble it.
I have little idea where to start but would like to try.

I have looked on web and just getting lost.

OK, most is in the description but I did not realise how to post in any detail before.

My thoughts were.

Raspberry Pi Pico 2040  and plug in my mouse, maybe Bluetooth, unsure.
Can you plug mouse in to Pi Pico 2040? if not maybe a Raspberry Pi, I have some laying around.

Then decode the data stream modify the Y-Axis and reassemble it.

Now, maybe, pass it to another Pico which is plugged in to the PC as a HID mouse.

The PC will only see a mouse and I think this would work as well as the Ball mouse.

OK, thoughts on the hardware I mentioned above,  Yes, No, Maybe or alternatives?

I have not found, well in any form I recognise, how to capture the mouse data. (I have seen that Wireshark on Linux may be able to capture USB data, if so that is a good start to see what I am sending and then to mess with it? )
I still need to actually do it on my hardware, so do you think this possible and pointers as to software I might use?

I am aware I need to add as little latency as possible so this, if doable may be a long project optimising  code etc.

I also realise that the advice may be, NO, it is very complex, the Ball mouse is good, stick with that.

I have also thought of a variable DPI gaming mouse but they seem to have a low limit or 200DPI, I need ZERO!!

If there is a already done solution, yes of course I want it but how the heck did I miss it?

I welcome any advice as how to start and Thanks even if it is a NO.

  • 1
    Seriously, I can add nothing to this, it works and the how they did it is described so well.

    You need a ( Adafruit Feather RP2040 with USB Type A Host) and then simply follow this page

    (   ) 

     Look under "How to make the device "

  • 2
    Step 2

View all instructions

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MartinMcM wrote 05/01/2024 at 10:08 point

>OK<   I have a result I have a configurable "Y" axis normal or frozen which was my goal. 

'And if you want a keyboard or mouse that  can be remapped and do this and so much more this is it.
Regrettably it is all a bit "This is it" Job Done.
But it does work well and I am super happy.

To DO:
You need a ( Adafruit Feather RP2040 with USB Type A Host) and then simply follow this page

(   )

follow the Github link ( )
Look under "How to make the device "

OK; there are more options and it can be more flexible with Bluetooth and Serial  variants and even different hardware so there is fun to be had.

Thank you all for the hints and thoughts. Sadly I was unable to progress far until, happily,  I found this.

I hope this helps the folk who I encountered in my search asking the same question.

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MartinMcM wrote 01/29/2024 at 13:37 point

not progressed much, well at all, but thank you for pointers. I need to clean  up my bench  and then..... I can make a start. Thanks for helpful tips.

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MartinMcM wrote 11/04/2023 at 18:26 point

OK; That is not something I had thought of.  I was really looking to play with the USB but actually what I really want is to get the signal from the mouse and alter it and there are PS2 mice out there, with simpler connections so this seems like a really good suggestion.
I did so want to play with the USB but that is not solving my problem so this is a good re-focus.

I will take a look to see what I can and go from there.
I fi get stuck, I will come back, Thank you.   

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MartinMcM wrote 10/11/2023 at 09:54 point

Just need some one to say, hey here is somewhere you can find the, how to capture the mouse data, that would get me a start and I could try to build the Capture part of the mouse.  I think from there I may be able to make a Pi pico send the modified data by playing  with the many Mouse Jiggler  scripts.  I so need part one because without it, part two can't happen.

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kelvinA wrote 10/31/2023 at 11:45 point

I think it's possible to get a PS2 mouse to communicate with a microcontroller as only a clock line and a data line are required.

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