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A project log for APBucket (Arduino Plant Bucket)

Indoor plant enviroment measure and control with arduino and Rpi

nikoniko 01/28/2017 at 03:150 Comments

This week started university again so less time will be invested in this project, but at the moment works.

I've updated the code on GitHub

Ive updated the way the lights are controlled and put a start-end time for each light.

also mae larger the time between conditions measurement as i sont want to make the mysql very large and a reading of temperature every 20 sec is unnecesary

So right now is working autonously, except for the watering system.

I also upgraded the bucket, mounting the fans and putting led lights in the top part, im pretty happy with the result.

By the moment 1 fan is taing air in and the other one out, untill i mount the bottom fans.

Also lights get a bit hot (maybe 50-60 *C) because i pasted them not the best way, so maybe this will be modified, if somebody makes something similar, dont put all the leds that turn on at same time together. I pasted by the moment the small heatsinks, but maybe they will be replaced by bigger/better ones

As the plant is small, the led lenses arent mounted yet and the plant is over some small bucket

I think im not doing things very bad if the plant looks so healthy :)
