

A project log for I2C interface to industrial digital I/O boards

Connecting I2C I/O chips to an industrial standard I/O connector

keithKeith 12/30/2023 at 19:180 Comments

Should be pretty simple, I2C/SPI wires in and the parallel I/O pins simply routed to a 50-way connector.

Pinout shall follow this standard, with the first device driving groups 0 and 1, the second device driving groups 2 and 3.

I shall omit:

But I will need:

This will be a current supply problem because a USB-to-I2C/SPI board does not supply +12V at all, and the +5V rail does not have a lot of current available - I would guess 100mA or so. The LED32 indicator board will need about 400mA just to power all the LEDs on.

Some external power supply will thus be needed.
