

A project log for Bootstrapping a ROMless Z80 using RS-232

Is it possible to bootstrap a simple ROMless Z80 system using only two wires - e.g. from an RS232 interface? This project explores this.

willstevenswill.stevens 01/14/2024 at 09:020 Comments

I’ve been thinking more about initialization, and I think that it is sufficient to initialise A, and leave initialization of everything else to the first boot program written to RAM. Then write a second boot program (i.e. any 256-byte program) after that. The rationale is that:

The sequence to initialise A is:

3E 00111110 LD A,n
2E 00101110
76 01110110 HALT
76 01110110 HALT

This sequence only needs to be executed once.

The programming sequence is:

3D 00111101 DEC A
2C 00101100 INC L
77 01110111 LD (HL),A
76 01110110 HALT

followed by this after NMI

F7 11110111 RST 30h

The sequences only differ in how D1 and D0 are configured.

For the programming sequence the configuration is:

D4=A1 or /A0

For the initialisation sequence it is as above except D1=1, D0=0. So a DPDT can be used to switch between the two.

So the complete sequence of steps required to bootstrap the system will be:
