
CAD Software

A project log for RETRO 1 - Home Computer Console

Modular, customisable, 3D printed, retro-style case for a home computer

the-lab-guyThe Lab Guy 01/18/2024 at 21:100 Comments

Initial 3D printing tests were done with small objects downloaded from Thingiverse.

Then I tried and Windows 10's built-in 3D Builder app, interchangeably, just to try and get the hang of using these tools as an easy way to get started on CAD.

Both had their strengths and weaknesses as far as I could tell from my perspective. I would highly recommend both of these tools to anyone who is starting out in 3D printing.

As I gained confidence, I started looking for a more complete CAD package to help me design and chop up objects to fit on my 3D printer, more easily.

I eventually discovered FreeCAD, which would later become my tool of choice for pretty much all of this project.
