
BLE Sys Control

Using Bluetooth Low Energy Devices (BLE Nano) to control and monitor didactic process plants from FESTO.

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The scope of this project is to develop a new modern solution for data acquisition, command and control of industrial processes, based on a development low power board. This solution is designed for didactic and research activities on the FESTO didactic stands available in ED007 Laboratory. The result of this project will be an upgrade on the above mentioned stands that will make them more interactive to learning process by means of Bluetooth connectivity (version BLE 4.0). This will enable the didactic stands to become connectable to any mobile device passing by, that implements the communication protocol and uses a dedicated SW App. (e.g. smartphone, tablet, etc), giving an alternative to the dedicated acquisition boards NI PXI-6229 connected to the PC or to the Siemens PLC.

The local controller will allow the implementation of a digital command with the following form u [k] = f (u [k-1], ..., y [k-1], ...) which will include PID and RST. It will also allow remote control function (digital controller is implemented externally); In addition, it will provide options for experimental identification procedures;

Research & Development support enabled by the new platform:

-> linear digital control digital (PID, RST) and nonlinear digital control;

-> sampled data control;

-> network control (input/output time delay systems);

-> system identification.

Formative objectives:

-> Collaborative team work (sharing tasks, timing)

-> Development of design skills HW & SW applications in real time

-> Develop competencies related to deployment in different environments HW SW;

-> Documentation and analysis skills development (search / proposal of possible solutions, choosing the optimal solution and argumentation, solution integration server)

-> Study the functionalities and implementation of a control solution for a real time system

-> Study the effect of time delay in communication and it's effect over control strategies;

-> Learning trend technologies (BLE, LowPower, FOTA, etc.)


General information about the phyton app

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SW Components.docx

SW components list

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  • 1 × BLE Nano module [ ] RedBearLab module is based on an ARM Cortex M0 processor, 16MHz, with a BL antenna, low energy, and with a sufficient number of pins (8-pin digital, 3-pin analog input). BL communication has a low data transfer rate (max 6.25Kbits), still enough for teaching purposes.
  • 1 × MK20 USB dongle
  • 1 × Online Compiler (C++):
  • 1 × FESTO didactic stands

  • 1
    Step 1

    Project major steps:

    • build of several HW interfaces:

    a. Analogic I/O Interface (between BLE device and FESTO) (3V - 10V)

    b. Digital I/O interface (between BLE device and FESTO) (3V - 24V)

    c. Serial to USB dongle for BLE device

    • Real Time SW App for the BLE Nano device (central module) which will be used as serial dongle for devices that have no BLE 4.0 interface;

    • Windows (or Linux) SW App to visualize and control remote the processes. It will be defined as an HMI or other similar console operator device;

    • Android SW App to visualize and control remote the processes. It will be defined as an HMI or other similar console operator device;

  • 2
    Step 2

    Components - under construction

    1. Peripheric Device (HW setup & SW Setup)

    2. Central Device (HW Setup & SW Setup) (aici intra si modulul serial to usb converter)

    3. BLE SYS CONTROL Android App Setup

    4. BLE SYS CONTROL Python App Setup for Windows/Linux

    5. BLE SYS CONTROL Matlab App

  • 3
    Step 3

    This project is diveded into several work packages in order to assure modularity. During development, the interaction of these work packages has to be taken into account. The level of interaction is not the same between all of them and they don't interact all at the same time.

    WP1. Requirements Definition, Design, Implementation of Hardware Interfaces

    a. Define the HW interface design specifications; (4h)

    b. Define HW design's options (digital interface, analog interface, power supply, serial to USB converter & driver). (20h)

    c. Describe the solution's options and present arguments in favor of the chosen one (cost-benefit); (6h)

    d. Part List (cost and provider); (6h)

    e. HW Solution's Implementation (10h)

    f. Solution's Documentation (Drawings, Photos, Maintenance) (10h)

    **Work space: HW intro

    WP2. Requirements definition, architecture, design, SW implementation for peripheral device

    a. Define SW application's specifications (control mode automatic / manual, identification mode , communication module) (6h)

    b. Define software architecture (Diagram of classes, modules, UC, data flow, data structures, back bone app, application framework used services provided by MBED, useful services to deploy, etc.) (32 h)

    c. Proposed architecture's documentation, modules' and internal interfaces' implementation; (32h)

    d. Modules' implementation and features' description (70h)

    e. Testing implemented functionalities (20h)

    f. Implementation's documentation (20h)

    **Work space: SW NRF51822 Intro

    WP3. Requirements definition, architecture, design, SW implementation for central device, Windows PC

    a. Define SW application's specifications (visual interface, features, options, etc.); (8h)

    b. Define Windows application's software architecture (programming environment, structure modules, classes, flowdata, etc, serial communication) (32h)

    c. Define BLE Nano - Dongle application's software architecture (structure modules, classes, flowdata, etc. Bluetooth communication) (32h)

    d. Solution's proposed architecture documentation and implementation of internal interfaces and modules (Windows) (32h)

    e. Possible proposed solutions' architecture documentation and implementation of internal interfaces and modules (Central BleNano) (32h)

    f. Implementing code (Windows) (60h)

    g. Implementation Code (Central Nano BLE) (50h)

    h. Testing functionalities (20h)

    i. Implementation code's documentation (Windows) (20h)

    j. Implementation code's documentation (Central Nano BLE) (20h)

    **Work space: SW NRF51822 Intro

    WP4. Requirements definition, architecture, design, SW implementation for central device, Android

    a. Define SW application's specifications (visual interface, features, options, etc.); (4h)

    b. Define setup and SW development mode (10h) c. Define software architecture (32h)

    d. Solution architecture's documentation and implementation of internal interfaces and modules (32h)

    e. Implementation code and functionality (50h)

    f. Testing funcitonalitati (20h)

    g. Implementation code's documentation (20h)

    WP5. System Integration, Testing, Setup configuration

    a. Setup workspace for work-in-progress (10h)

    b. Setup working procedures to update firmware, SW, etc. Links tool used; Versioning tool's (20h);

    c. Management of configurations and versions (10h);

    d. Testing applications integration, reconfiguration (20h)

    e. Documentation: User's Manual, Setup Procedure, etc. (40h)

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