

A project log for ML Clip Cam

This is a much smaller version of the previous project which the next phase is an autozoom, moving camera on a tripod paired with IMU on hat

jacob-david-c-cunninghamJacob David C Cunningham 03/17/2024 at 03:440 Comments

Here are the intended parts for the first version

Mostly power supply stuff (BMS and step up)

This display is hardcore

I gotta read up on this, how to program it, I'm expecting it to have serial between the display and the pi... so I can transfer the IMU data while it's recording

I gotta figure out the graphics library and make a basic interface

Maybe you don't have to program it that way... you can use the SPI display to output a menu built with python/PIL and then get the touch coordinates to know what was clicked, that would be pretty easy to do, no flashing of the display firmware -- no it does not work that way haha... yeah Arduino or something else

I was imagining this... like a purpose... to use the IMU values for head tracking and get some kind of insight like climbing/direction idk...

Still nothing substantial done, today's a work day and I am mentally drained after these 10 hr factory shifts

In order to ensure that I succeed on Tuesday (this thing is built and it records) I am going to go with the AP approach... the display won't be functional, rather the RPi hosts a web app to control it since that's all familiar tech to me and I can bust it out
