
8.8 inch 11.26 inch hdmi screen keypad pcb V02

A project log for 8.8 inch 11.26 inch Screen USB/BT Keyboard RPI

Connect the Raspberry Pi to the ElecLab 11.26" 440x1920 HDMI LCD Screen Display and add a Bluetooth keyboard to form a microcomputer system.

eleclabElecLab 04/01/2024 at 04:150 Comments

The keyboard PCB and case have been modified, and a 0.99-inch 40x160 LCD screen has been added. The battery voltage/temperature/chip temperature/charging current/discharging current are initially displayed. The battery capacity function needs to be further added. These are all tests on a single 10000mAh battery, and two batteries have not been connected in parallel. This may be a task that needs to be considered for safety.
