
Thursday March 14

A project log for Light Link

A device which allows you to communicate with draw on a Matrix LED, drawing made with your phone

raphalRaphaƫl 03/14/2024 at 11:080 Comments

So last week in class, we thought of many projects like something that uses a Kinect, a furniture piece that makes delightful cocktails, but at the end of the class, we decided on something that could be useful for our international semester.

Just in case, I will provide a little summary of the project. The principle is to send 8 by 8 drawings to someone else anywhere in the world on an LED matrix.

For now, we have started listing the features that we want to include in the product:
- WiFi connection: WEB SERVER TRANSMISSION -> Phone connection, sending SSID, PASSWD -> Connection | UPGRADE.
- BACKUP? SD card module.
- Power on: resistive sensor.
- LED strip around the casing.
- Integrated WEB page -> Drawing area, Drawing library, WiFi settings.
- Use of JSON to send data to the ESP (JSON sends records constantly for updates).

We also have some remaining questions to address:
- Full transparent resin casing or casing with a strip around it?
- How do we turn it on?
- How do we charge it? USB C
- Make or buy the charging module?
- Adaptive lighting or a button for brightness?

And to conclude the class, each of us has been assigned tasks to do for the next session (yes, I didn't specify, but it's a group project).
