
Week #2 - Creation of the web server

A project log for Vision360

Interactive camera controlled via wifi with an esp32

inescalvo-alierines.calvo-alier 03/21/2024 at 10:150 Comments

As we continued working on this project, this week we came to the conclusion of the necessity to create a Gimbal. This is because the motor must be able to rotate in two directions: rotate on the Y-axis (pan), to turn left or right; and rotate on the X-axis, to tilt up or down. To achieve this action, the base on which the ESP32 is integrated needs to have two motors. During this session, our work was to obtain a first draft of the web server on which the device is controlled.
An HTML page was created to allow user interaction. We were working on how to create the different buttons necessary to interact with the device and how to display instructions on what is happening and to which device we are connected.

As you can see, the design of the page includes the basics we used to learn to program our web server. In the upcoming sessions, one of our focuses will be to enhance the visual aspect of the web server, add new interactions to complete the user experience and keep working on the features we want to integrate.
