

A project log for Dangerous Skate

The goal is to create a skate moving erratically

lorisloris 05/07/2024 at 10:590 Comments

Today, we worked on the informatique part of project, namely the Arduino code to spin the main motor with the ESC. We also remade the rack in PLA with the 3D printer to make it more resistant. In this session face some issues, firstly the Arduino's program didn't work, then we fixed the issues and so the problems was coming from the motor, probably due to a timing issue.

We were not able to solved it, despite slow and incremental change to the timing and power of the ESC, thus we were not able to work on the remote control. Lack of documentation on this specific model is not available online and is slowing us.

The next problem's was rack witch wasn't the same size as the gear.

To do next week:

Remade the rack (or the gear)

Fix the timing issues 

Work on the skate suspension
