

A project log for Remote Observatory Dome controller

using Raspberry Pi's to automate the open/close and rotation of an observatory dome using MQTT linked to web pages for remote access

rob-jonesRob Jones 02/12/2017 at 17:491 Comment

Raspi Pi: OS loaded and updated to include:

SAMBA: allows remote file services from a networked PC, when Pi in headless mode

MQTT client: messaging system

{Wiring Pi}

Pimoroni EnvironpHat: software libraries to communicate with the Hat. Need access to .heading()


Rob Jones wrote 02/12/2017 at 17:52 point

written rough code to post a material change in compass heading out to an MQTT broker for other subscribers to listen and act-on.

Can use any MQTT broker: mosquito for Raspberry Pi, and even load the broker onto this processor, but I choose to operate a separate MQTT broker service running on a different processor, since I am sensitive to power requirements with this processing unit are kept to a minimum.

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