
Refactor in progress.

A project log for WiiChuck

A Wii controller library for talking to every Extension Controller made for the wii including Nunchuck and Classic Controller over i2c.

alex-camiloAlex Camilo 02/13/2017 at 04:330 Comments

spent some time today breaking up the huge frankenclass and refactoring the code.

We plan to have different classes for the following peripherals. We have a classic controller and a nun-chuck. We eBay everything else except for the Taiko drums. The peripherals where suprisingly cheep with one exception. We where suprised by how unreasonably expensive the Taiko Drums where for what is essentially 4 buttons shaped like a drum.

* Classic Controller
* Nunchuck
* Guitar Hero Guitar
* Guitar Hero Drums
* DJ Hero
* Drawesome Tablet
* Taiko drums
* Wii Motion Plus
