
2 Colourifying "White" Flatbed Scanner light

A project log for Spectro-scopy-metry-graphi-cally | GinScope

Spectrometer Spectrophotometer Spectrograph or Spectroscope Adventures in light. while(){Reaching for the highest r.} FIAT LUX

gintaras-valatkaGintaras Valatka 02/23/2017 at 05:510 Comments

Scanner warming up, scan, then 240 fps SlowMo + Shake, then back to normal speed for comparison ('normal' assuming 39.178488fps, as was uploaded to youtube)

FlickeRing Lights, when paused - individual colours can be observed
If Lucky, catch split colours, as if the light was caught travelling, see the screenshot :D

So if the lightsaber is white, is it made of rgb? :D

(no uber tHz/fps cam was used)
