
LED zombie hunter torch/lantern

This is meant to be like a post-apocalyptic torch used by a zombie hunter, made from parts found in a dying world.

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This is more prop/cosplay/woodworking than electronics, the wiring was very easy and a bit of soldering nothing an advanced beginner couldn't manage. It's more about the style and I wanted to imagine who would use this and how their world would look (pretty terrible lol)

The sticker used on the side I bought from ebay, I didn't design it. The guy was quite nice and I've provided a link to his ebay listing. Anything else was easy to get, if you can't find something let me know I'll show you where I bought it. Thanks!

  • 1
    Step 1

    I have this on Instructables, it's a basic build any questions just ask I'll try to help :) click here

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