

A project log for OMNI 4 - a Kaypro 2x Logic Analyzer

A while back I acquired a rare logic-analyzer, whose lone system-diskette needed backing-up. Now this page is all things OMNI 4

eric-hertzEric Hertz 09/14/2017 at 22:280 Comments

Another previously-unfinished draft, but plausibly useful


turns out pip doesn't convert *to* intel hex... it can convert *from*. Well, that doesn't help.

Took a bit of effort to get communication working... a few surprises. 

Unless I happened across two bad pinouts, this guy has tx and rx swapped from the RS232 standard. Also it doesn't have most pins typically used... it has a CTS input, but no RTS output, nor DTR, etc. So, my null modem cable, per wikipedia, didn't work. 

First i Cut the RTS->CTS wire and rewired the PC's DTR->CTS and 
